Alice in Wonderland Incense Collection
Return policy: Eligible for 14 Days Return and Refund with reciept, unused, and in original packaging.
Return policy: Eligible for 14 Days Return and Refund with reciept, unused, and in original packaging.
The whimsical “scent of Wonderland” is finally captured in these exquisite incense sticks designed to capture the love and “personality” of Lewis Carroll’s most infamous characters! These amazingly fragrant and potent incense capture the essence using exotic fruits, flowers, woods and resins. I have also incorporated these vintage bookmarks as precious keepsakes. They are printed on heavy card stock, 2.25″w x 7.5″ h, all featuring character dialogue related to each. ~ These incense come in packs of 50 sticks, with beautiful image and bookmark.
Choose from: Alice is reasonable, well-trained, and polite. Alice’s constant resource and strength is her courage. Time and again, her dignity, her directness, her conscientiousness, and her art of conversation all fail her. But when the chips are down, Alice reveals something to the Queen of Hearts – that is: spunk! ** Curious incense blend of languishing lavender, “get up” in the morning glories and golden amber bring the power to find courage with precocious repose.
The White Rabbit appears wearing a waistcoat muttering “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!” Alice follows him down the rabbit hole into Wonderland. The White Rabbit is a decoy ~ he’s the surprise that leads to all her adventures in Wonderland. He attracts Alice’s attention with contradiction. Intrigued by the juxtaposition of beast and gentleman, Alice hurries after him. ** Purposeful incense blend of proper peppermint, anxious amyris, and a dash of sweet orange bring the excitable and uplifting scent with bright abandon.
The Mad Hatter or “mad as a hatter” explains this loony, bright and joyful incense blend. He is sincere in his eccentric mannerisms. He is a very gracious host who is forever trapped in a never ending tea party celebrating his “very merry un-birthday”. Eccentric and unorthodox in his mannerisms and very likely, mad, indeed. ** Ignitable incense of zany Valencia orange, zesty lemon and a hint of sage!
The Queen of Hearts takes control with absolute rule and execution. Her Highness is dressed up in multi-layer crimson red and beautifully wicked black ~ literally the heart of Alice’s conflict. Her power lies in her rhetoric. The Queen becomes representative of the idea that Wonderland is devoid of substance. **Excitable incense blend of clever clove, gratuitous gardenia and a blush of red rose (garden)!
Peaceful Mind