“Wheel of the Year” Resin Incense
Return policy: Eligible for 14 Days Return and Refund with reciept, unused, and in original packaging.
Return policy: Eligible for 14 Days Return and Refund with reciept, unused, and in original packaging.
The Wheel of the Year is the Celtic Calendar that would track the lunar/solar crossing of the seasons.
These resin incense come in 2 oz organza bag with complete instructions and a 2 FREE charcoal discs in order to prepare and use your incense the minute you get them! Use these incense to welcome in a new season, to cement your positive intentions and to clear and cleanse any space in your home!
Imbolc: The mid-way point between Winter and Spring, This holiday represents the Festival of the Maiden, St. Brigid, Candlemas and Groundhog’s Day. We blend the promising bay laurel with quality coltsfoot and blessed basil.
Ostara: Represents the Spring Equinox, Easter, and the balance of day and night. We blend spring rose, spring iris, honeysuckle, night blooming jasmine and a dash of dandelion.
Beltane: The mid-way point between Spring and Midsummer, this holiday represents the Fire Festival, bonfires and maypole dancing. We blend the bright pink bloom of cherry blossoms, assorted flower petals, sprigs of dandelion and fresh daisies.
Litha: Represents the magical Summer Solstice. It is the peak of power, fire and the culmination of full potential. We blend the fruitful hearth of sweet orange, tangy lemon, wistful strawberry leaves and blue jasmine.
Lammas: or Lughnasad is the mid-way point between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. This holiday represents the 1st Harvest, the presence of seasonal luck and food blessings. We blend the final blooms of summer with sprigs of first harvest wheat, amber resin and golden flox.
Mabon: This is Autumn Equinox representing the 2nd Harvest, the completion of tasks and observing abundance. We blend ancient copal with red cedarwood, zesty ginger and precios pine needles.
Samhain: This is considered All Hallow’s Eve and All Saints Day. This holiday is a magical representation of the suspension of time and the thin veil between earth and the Otherworld is lifted. We blend fragrant clove, burnt orange, pungent patchouli and magical pumpkin spice.
Yule: This is known as the Winter Solstice representing rebirth, the “Sun standing still” along with the virtues of intention, peace, contemplation and introspection. We blend sacred mistletoe, holy holly, precious cinnamon, beautiful juniper berry, fragrant frankincense and magical myrrh.
Peaceful Mind